Articles Azure

Effortlessly Manage and Keep Your Virtual Machines Up to Date with Azure Update Manager

Azure Update Manager is a service offered by Microsoft on the Azure cloud platform and allows you to centrally manage updates for operating systems such as Windows Server. This service is very useful for keeping your servers and virtual machines up to date, closing security gaps and ensuring compliance. With Azure Update Manager, you can do the following:

  1. Update Distribution: Azure Update Manager helps you automatically distribute updates to your servers and virtual machines. This ensures that your servers are current and secure.
  2. Compliance Checks: Azure Update Manager checks your servers for specific compliance requirements and reports non-compliance. This way you can meet compliance requirements.
  3. Scheduling and Planning: You can configure your update policies and schedules. You can set custom schedules to determine when and how updates will be applied.

We have some information about what Azure Update Manager does. Now let’s move on to the installation part. ...  READ MORE ❯❯❯